Gondola Status

Am heutigen Mittwoch den 19.02.25 ist Fahrbetrieb von 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr.
Wir wünschen allen unseren Gästen einen wunderschönen Tag

Hiking trails & via ferrata

Sind aus Sicherheitsgründen geschlossen.
Die Dammkarskiabfahrt ist wegen Schneemangel nicht befahrbar.


Bis zur österreichischen Grenze begehbar.


Das Wetter ist heute es heiter und wir haben eine Fernsicht von ca. 100km.
Die Temperatur am Berg beträgt - 3 °C und im Tal - 4 °C

Karwendelbahn Mittenwald / Ticket & Prices / Group & school classes

Group and school classes

Group offers

You’d like to aim high? Clear your head and experience something special with your group? How about a trip to Germany’s highest nature information center? Or maybe a relaxed walk along the panorama round walk with incredible views? The Karwendelbahn takes you all the way up, we give you advice and make sure, your group is being taken care of. We’re happy to offer special arrangements for companies, clubs and travel groups. Our team takes care of the physical well-being of your group. Up to 200 guests fit into the restaurant and another 80 can fit onto the sun terrace. Mittenwald is easy to reach by train (via Munic and Innsbruck), Busses stop right at the bottom station. We’ll make sure, your group has an unforgettable time in the mountains. Get a personalized offer via email talkasse@karwendelbahn.de or talk to our team via phone +49 (0) 8823-93 76 76-0.

Guided walks and school trips at the Karwendel

The Karwendelbahn offers an ideal and eventful destination for a tour or school trip. We offer guided tours of a variety of subjects like the technical aspect of the Karwendelbahn, the flora and fauna and the conservation. And the highest nature information center, the Bergwelt Karwendel, Germany’s highest ‘classroom’ isn’t the only thing, that’s worth the trip. Your group or class can also learn and experience a lot around the mountain. A great challenge for example is the hike to the west Karwendelspitze. But don’t forget: while hiking in the mountains, everyone needs to look out for one another. Weather it may be a tour along the Passamani round path or a hike down the Dammkar, there’s certainly something for everybody. And after your group or class finished exploring, the mountain restaurant offers food and drinks. Groups can satisfy their hunger with a hearty snack, a barbeque on the sun terrace or a packed lunch for the hiking tour. Get in touch with us via phone or email at talkasse@karwendelbahn.de.
Have a look at www.bergwelt-karwendel.de.